what i'm reading...

it's been much quieter on the book front these days, and i'm not exactly sure why. i guess, like much else in life, things go in seasons.

but life most definitely carries on.

i finished book 15, Flickering Pixels, right on time, and with book 16 due to be read next tuesday, perhaps the rainy weekend that this one is supposed to be will be a very good thing!

there are three books that have captured my attention right now...

Devotions For Lent... a little Lenten devotional that i am reviewing for the good folks over at Tyndale, with meditations and scripture readings for this season. i won't say much now— because you'll hear more next week—apart from the fact that i am loving it.

Emma {Jane Austen}... there really is nothing like a little Jane Austen. i am fairly certain that i won't have this one done by tuesday, for it simply does not do to rush one of Ms. Austen's works. but already, i am loving bumbling, silly Emma... oh, and i am super excited that i found the Collector's Library editions of the rest of Jane's works that i have Emma in, so perhaps one day i can have a whole matching set. how fun is that?

People I Wanted to Be {Gina Ochsner}... this book of short stories came highly recommended from somewhere, i just cannot remember where right now, and if the first story is any indication, then this could rapidly become one of my favorite books of all time. this one, i think, given enough of a grey, rainy weekend, could easily be finished before monday morning.

well these are the books that have my mind right now.

what are you reading?