reading challenge: day 82

things were flowing along so smoothly for a while, but it appears that i've hit a bit of a lull. not that i'm behind. i finished book 17 less than 24 hours late, and am well into book 18...but truth be told, not as far into it as i would like to be!

book 15, Flickering Pixels, is one that i know that i will need to read again, if only to glean more of its wisdom. its author, Mars Hill Grand Rapid's new teaching pastor, Shane Hipps, is one of the most media savvy people whose words i have ever read. he has eloquently explained how all media {even something we take for granted, like the alphabet} has changed us. absolutely brilliant.

i got Pauline Frommer's NYC Spend Less See More when i was in calgary at christmas to help my parents and i plan for our trip to NYC {which is only 37 days away!}. to be sure, i have read it at least twice so far, and will probably give it at least another read before i board my Porter flight. as far as travel books go, this one is pretty great for tips to enjoy a city when you don't have unlimited resources, and let's face it, these days, who does? i found myself wondering if there is a paris version as well, and wouldn't you know it but there is. happy day!

rounding out today's trio is a book that i won't say much about now, as i'll be blogging about it more on april 1, and that it Sarah Cunningham's Picking Dandelions: A Search For Eden Among Life's Weeds. i will say that i love Sarah's blog, and encourage you to read it as well. she has a beautiful, easy writing style, and is a great storyteller.

that's all i have for now. i'll be back on friday with a review of book 18. beyond book 18, i'm not sure what i'll be reading next, but i do have some ideas.

can you inspire me? what are you reading?