review: Plan B by Pete Wilson

Plan B by Pete Wilson is a book that at some point or another, we are all going to need. the subtitle "what do you do when God doesn't show up the way you thought he would?" pretty much sums up why. regardless of what the moment we are currently in holds, there will come another moment when something happens and it feels like all the air has been sucked out of life, and we are left wondering what on earth just happened.

a cancer diagnosis.

you spouse wants out.

your job ends without notice.

a loved one dies.

or any other of the myriad of ways that our daily lives can be instantly tossed into a blender and no longer seem recognizable.

Pete Wilson's book is preparation of sorts, for these times.

in each chapter, he uses not only personal examples, but also biblical ones of lives turned upside down and fully in need of a Plan B. Job, Joseph, even Jesus' mother Mary {among others} all have situations in their lives where what they had originally planned didn't work out, and a new reality was born. how they handled the change, the situation, and their response to God are the focus of these chapters, and help the reader understand how we, when faced with similar situations, need to respond.

as someone who has her own control issues, worries more than she wants, and is far more driven by fear than she would like, this book spoke to me on many levels.

trouble comes, on many levels, usually when you least expect it. of this we have no control. but what we can control are our actions and reactions when we need to abandon Plan A for what comes next. Plan B is excellent hope and wisdom to help us do just that.

Book has been provided courtesy of Thomas Nelson and Graf-Martin Communications, Inc. Available May 2010 at your favourite bookseller.